Ayoba Loans

Clear your name on ITC
Clear your name on ITC


In this day and age, everything we want and need comes with a really steep price tag. Houses to keep us safe, cars to keep us mobile and food to keep us alive – these are but a fraction of things consumers spend their money on. Many consumers take out loans to fulfil these desires. However, in order to receive these loans – it is crucial to clear your name on ITC.

In order to achieve this, passing an ITC check is essential. If you score high on the check – it means that you have an outstanding track record when it comes to making payments. If you score very low on the check – it means that you have likely struggled to make payments in the past. The difference between the two scores being that a high score equals a higher likelihood of receiving a loan following the application.

South African consumers are at high risk of accumulating excessive amounts of debt. Paying this off may be a challenge – but it is far from impossible. One essential habit you can employ is to make all of your payments on time. Not only will this improve your results on the ITC Check; it will better your mental health and thereby keeping your wellbeing in check.

Ayobaloans can help you achieve this. Through lawful and transparent processes, we have helped many consumers obtain ITC clearance – proving that it is indeed possible to reach the freedom of accessing loans. If you currently face a sub-optimal ITC score – Ayobaloans can help you boost your credit rating. By removing judgements and debt review flags from your name – we will be able to clear your name on ITC.

For further information on our services and how we can assist you, please contact us.