Ayoba Loans

Having a bad credit record? Let Ayoba Help
Having a bad credit record


Once you as a consumer become over-indebted, there are many repercussions to be faced. Most of your salary goes towards paying off ridiculously high repayments, receiving constant harassment from your creditors, and the negative effect debt can have on your psyche and wellbeing. While being in this position may provide you with an overwhelming sense of dread and futility, there is still hope. If you find yourself having a bad credit record, a clearance certificate and ITC clearance might just be your way out.

Acquiring a bad credit record can be detrimental to your financial freedom as a consumer. Paying for any large credit purchase and applying for loans can be revoked from you, leading to a cycle of debt with no clear way out. At Ayoba Loans, our specialised ITC clearance process can help you obtain your clearance certificate, thereby erasing all judgements from your name and providing you with a squeaky clean credit record.

Your poor payment history should not affect your future as a consumer. Once you have obtained your clearance certificate, you can buy the nice house or car that you and your family have been dreaming of for years. This means that once you have the money you need fulfil these wishes; ITC clearance alleviates any threat of your credit record stopping you from doing so!

Our services let you take back full control of your finances. If you are a citizen of South Africa with a sum of debt less than R30 000, our ITC clearance service can change your life for the better. Upon completion of this process, you will receive an updated credit report with the inclusion of a debt clearance certificate. This signifies your newfound freedom as a consumer that has overcome the suffocating clutches of debt.

We work tirelessly to ensure your success; however, to persevere through the ITC Clearance process, it is important to stay consistent with your payments. It is important to focus on settling your outstanding debts as soon as possible. This means that avoiding any new loans and financial aid is the best possible way to keep this process as quick as possible. It is important to remember that if you fail to miss any payments, your creditors are still able to contact you. The end goal is rewarding, as obtaining your clearance certificate marks the start of a new chapter in your life!

Undergoing the process of ITC Clearance has proven to be a game-changing approach to saving our clients from crippling debt. At Ayoba Loans, our team of finance experts will allow you to reach a place of financial freedom, better spending habits and most importantly: your clearance certificate, signalling your new cleared credit report and a happier life ahead.

If you have a bad credit record with no clear end in sight - look no further than Ayoba Loans and their specialised ITC clearance process. Contact us today to learn more.